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Current Version:

New Updates With Latest Versions

1.5.5 | 08/19/2024

Coder Screen
  • New feature: View response text translated to the selected language. Text can be translated manually or with AI in the Study Manager.
  • Fixed issues with response sorting and added feature to sort respecting the selected language (if applicable).
  • Added ability to search response text that was translated into the selected translation language.
  • Added question text in the variable (closed response) dropdown.
  • Added new filter to allow filtering codes with the default color (black) instead of only by color if one is applied.
Dashboard Screen
  • Reworked how AI Chat screen works including:
    • Ability to select response sampling percentage
    • Ability to pin/share chat sessions with your organization
    • Ability to chat across multiple questions at once
    • Chat sessions are now saved per user to continue later
    • A reworking of the chat UI to be more user-friendly
  • Added Simple Theming to Crosstab with Counts report
  • Added new ability to show question headers on Crosstab with Counts report

1.5.4 | 07/30/2024

Coder Screen
  • Semantic searching
  • Updated AI Chat (Chat With Your Data) feature to include chatting with multiple questions at once, saving chat histories and pinning chat histories for the organization
Dashboard Screen
  • Added Translations to the AI Backend
  • Fixed several report bugs with Codeframe With Counts report

1.5.3 | 07/01/2024

Coder Screen
  • Fixed a bug with viewing collapsed duplicate verbatims in "distinct view"
  • Fixed a bug with sorting by code value. This sort should now sort alphanumerically instead of always by alpha only.
  • Fixed issues with filtering by questions and variables, including changes to how filter indicators work with these options.
  • Updated the word count feature for improved word counting for all studies
  • Increased code limit when using the renumbering option to prevent errors
Dashboard Screen
  • Max Codes Field on the Codeframe With Counts Report moved to the end of the question summary row.
  • Fixed an issue with the AI backend to prevent collisions in AI data between environments
  • Codeframe With Counts Report - Added Side by Side banner option

1.5.2 | 06/14/2024

Coder Screen
  • Codeframe search improvements including: easier to access options such as case-sensitivity, whole word matching, and regex mode
  • Word count filtering updated to match on entire word
  • A fix for distinct mode matching to properly group distinct verbatims into a single response
  • Increased size of code color indicators
  • Fix for text highlighting while searching when "verbatim links" option is enabled
  • UI fix to prevent multi-level sort indicators colliding with other screen elements
  • Spellcheck now uses American English dictionary
  • Study files button now indicates the number of files (if any) with a badge
  • Variables filter dropdown now excludes answers that are not part of the active study in shared codeframes
  • Study toolbar UI changes to better fit smaller screens
Dashboard Screen
  • Files are now included when restoring a study from a Colibri backup
  • UI fix on the Copy/Merge Codframe screen to prevent long codeframe names from hiding merge option buttons
  • Fix for an issue with duplicating codeframe names when splitting a question from a codeframe
  • User lists in the admin now show in alpha order by default
  • Fix for an rare issue with loading a shared codeframe in the Study Manager that could occur when there are deleted questions.
  • Merging Multiple Codeframes: Resolved an issue where merging multiple codeframes consecutively did not clear questions properly. Enhanced regex merging during codeframe merges and fixed a UI layout issue with the title on the codeframe merge screen. Additionally, fixed a bug where identical code names were not being merged correctly.
  • Restore Study Files: Fixed a bug where coder backup study files were not being restored.
  • Collapse All Rows/Columns: Addressed an issue with the "Collapse All Rows/Columns" option in the Codeframe with Counts report, ensuring proper collapse and expand functionality. Also fixed text wrapping issues on multi-level header columns.
  • Question Order: Corrected the sorting issue of questions, reverting to the original order from the source.
  • Codeframe Name Duplication: Prevented duplicate codeframe names when splitting a question out of a codeframe by appending a unique number to the name.
  • Custom Export Editor: Ensured the custom export editor screen remains visible until navigating away, adding a new export, or selecting a different export to edit.
  • Restrict Invalid Excel Characters: Implemented restrictions on codeframe names to replace invalid characters with spaces across multiple areas:
    • Importing new questions and dropping them on the "Create New Codeframe" panel
    • Editing codeframe names and assigning presets
    • Displaying codeframes on the Study Overview page
    • Codeframe Manager Page display
  • Vertical Report Rendering: Added a new report that renders coded responses in a vertical format instead of horizontal.
  • Show/Hide Extra Report Columns: Introduced a switch in the Codeframe with Counts report to show or hide extra columns (level, is_net, code).
  • Study Restores: Added import_source_id field to study restores.

1.5.1 | 05/17/2024

This version includes 2 hotfixes:
  • Fixed issue with distinct mode on the coder screen. Distinct responses should now group properly.
  • Improved loading times for studies in the Study Manger screen. This fixed an issue with shared studies failing to load in some cases.

1.5.0 | 04/18/2024

Coder Screen
  • Updates to better handle shared studies with protection for closed studies and better UI for variables
  • AND / OR options for sorting variables
  • Font change for better readability
  • Greatly improved performance for studies with a large number of responses
  • Fixes for CSV exporting of responses
  • Fix for rare case when a net could become its own Parent / Grandparent
  • UI fix for response searches when text also matches expressions
  • Added option to see import value on codes
  • Spellcheck changes to include nets
  • Fixes for navigating back to the study from the coder screen
  • Several smaller bug fixes and UI fixes
Dashboard Screen
  • Many report changes and fixes including: added a Quantum Export report, fixes to errors when running various standard reports, and others.
  • Added in filename tracking for data loads
  • Added ability to set Max Codes based on study type
  • Added ability to share codebooks between studies
  • Users can now track quotas on a study
  • Added feature to hide deleted questions in the dashboard
  • UI fixes for smaller screen sizes in parts of the dashboard
  • Fixes in the Study Manager for several smaller bugs

1.4.27 | 03/10/2024

Coder Screen
  • Performance improvements for studies with large response lists
  • Word Count UI improvements and a new export feature
  • UI fixes to issues with the right-click context menus
  • Fixed an issue that would return irrelevant Nets when searching in the codeframe
  • Fixed an issue where Nets with no value were marked with "duplicate value" warning
  • Added in an option to view the import value on codes
  • UI fix for Codeframes with long titles running off the screen
  • Fixed an issue with the CSV exporter for Responses
Dashboard Screen
  • Data Loads by file now show the filename in the history list
  • Fixes to issues with usability in the Question editor
  • Fixed issues for some users during the login process

1.4.26 | 12/11/2023

Coder Screen
  • New sorting options added for Related Responses
  • Distinct Mode now also show verbatims that aren't duplicated as well. Also this mode now has counts included at the bottom of the screen.
  • Studies are now locked when in a "Completed" status preventing changes to the study.
  • Sorting now works with multi-level sorting on both Codes and Responses.
  • New delete options to include nets as well as codes
  • New option to show colors on nets just as they do for codes (as a bar or text)
  • Added additional response filtering options
  • Speed and UI issues have been addressed with the "Remove all Response Codes" options
  • Response filtering option added to Word Count box
Dashboard Screen
  • Study Coder management screen reworked for better usability.
  • Study Details screen will now warn users that try to leave if they haven't saved changes.
  • Many changes and fixes to Coded Verbatim Reports
  • Fixes to reports and importing with issues regard long text names.
  • Fix of an issue when initiating a data pull when one is already running
  • Studies can now be pinned by users in the Study Manager
  • Respondent Manager table removed paging and added count totals
  • Side-by-side columns for Percentage and Freq. added for reports
  • Various fixes for study imports from a file

New Updates With Latest Versions

1.4.23 | 10/30/2023

Coder Screen
  • The setting for code color (bar or text) now applies to Nets as well
  • New filter option: "Show codes and nets with this code's color"
  • New filter option: "Show responses without this code applied"
  • Fixed issue with Exclusive setting for codes in some rare situations
  • New feature in Renumbering Dialog which allows blank values to be applied to all selected items
Dashboard Screen
  • Added new feature to the Question editor to allow changing question types between SOE and OE
  • Added ability to pin a study in the Study Manager
  • Added sortable headers to additional columns on Question table


Coder Screen
  • Codes can now be searched by Report Value on the Coder screen
  • Hover text for Net Stats updated to be more clear
  • CSV Codeframe Import - tree preview easier to scroll
  • Codeframe with long names no longer push off screen in header
  • Code/Net value QC check now matches on numbers such as "001" and "01"
  • Hover text on matched verbatim text now shows on top
  • rID box whitespace issues fixed
  • CTRL-CLICK functionality for response selection added
  • Stat bubble change for nets - made darker to differentiate between them and code stats
  • Better preset hover text added for clarity
  • Fixed jumping between codeframes on the Coder screen
  • Fixed jumping to codeframe from the user box on dashbard.
Dashboard Screen
  • VAR/OE/SOE toggle buttons on report settings now have checkboxes for clarity
  • Max Codes issue fixed on reports


Coder Screen
  • QC Mode introduced: includes live QC Checking and new QC slide out drawer
  • QC Checklist added allowing Coders to confirm they have checked the coding for errors
  • Net Stats Added + New Stats UI
  • Fix to CSV importing of 'many codes'
  • Various bug fixes including to 'connected user detection', filtering codes, and more
Dashboard Screen
  • Added in a QC Checklist manager
  • Import issues from a file with values such as 'n/a' and related have been fixed
  • Coding Usage Report fixes
  • Option to override max codes when running reports
  • Various other cosmetic changes to reports


  • Made major changes to the coder screen to improve the speed and usability on large studies.
  • Added in a confirmation box for "Remove this code from all responses" option.
  • Added a "back to study" button on the top nav bar to easily get back to managing the current study.
  • Codes now have a "Read Only" flag that prevents the code from being modified, but can still be moved around and applied to responses
  • CSV Export option for both Codeframe and Response List directly from the coder screen
  • Fix to question list dropdown to allow scrolling large numbers of questions


  • Added "Study Notes" option for admin notes. You can add these on the dashboard homepage for each study.
  • Fixed incorrect counts at the bottom of the respondent table when filtered
  • Fixed incorrect calculations for "Percent Coded" on the questions grid on the Study Overiew page.


  • Replaced "# Responses" with "# Respondents" on Study Table
  • Fixed User Editor page issues with selecting users for a study
  • Fixed date pickers on Study Table, which showed the wrong date
  • Fixed response counts on the Question Grid. They should now match the coder screen counts
  • Made changes to codeframe boxes on the Study Manager to better fit the box. Scrolling may still occur for a large number of codeframes
  • Changed question list on codeframe boxes to be a simple count, with a hover-over to show the questions


  • Added Home icon next to "LOGICIAN CODER" title in top app bar
  • Increased user "away" detection time to five minutes
  • Question grid is now editable and has been reformatted to better fit the screen
  • Added Coder screen "Launch" button on question table in "Study Overview" page
  • Cleanup of invalid columns in Data Pull History
  • Fix for scrolling responses when an applied code has no output_value
  • Fix for codes with expressions that have a NULL for the value


There is a entirely new dashboard to replace the previous version. There are too many new features to list them all, but some of the important ones are:
  • New Study List on Homepage with new Study Statuses (Coding, Setup, etc...)
  • Better "online user" tracking, listing all online users and their location in the app
  • New Date fields to track Proposed, Actual, and Due dates for studies
  • Updated study management screens, replacing the previous screens and adding new features
  • Study "Owners" and "Teams" added to help categorize the studies
  • and much more...
  • Better tracking of active / online users
  • Jump "back to study editor" option for admins
  • Some performance improvements
  • Codes imported with the study as presets are now indicated as "Preset" and are not editable
  • A fix for searching on the codeframe side